Monday, February 20, 2012

Week #6 Review-Uh Oh!!!

So I skipped a week.  Already.  Only into the second month of the year and I have already skipped a week. Oh well, I am sure it won't be the last time.
Anyway, I did complete my picture framing goal.  I had some glitches along the way (hence the two week lapse) but I think I am finally done.  I know getting pictures framed and hung shouldn't be that big of a deal but when you are about 3 1/2 years behind, it is actually very overwhelming.  Because of that, I actually just had to walk away from this project for a few days and clear my head out.  I am glad I did that because I came back to the project with an exact idea of how I wanted to go forward.  So now every year when we get new pictures taken, I know exactly where they will go and in what frames.  Phew.  Now, I just need to get the husband to hang them all up.

The goal that I ended up bypassing was doing a week's worth of charity work-preferably with the kids.  I skipped that goal mainly because I had not yet completed the previous goal and also because I had not spent any time researching on what we could do.  I still want to do this goal-and I will push it out to later in the year.  And plan better for it!!!

What I learned, gained, wanted to pass on, etc from this week's goal:

  • Do not procrastinate when it comes to framing and hanging your pictures!  Immediately do it once you receive them.
  • I had SO many empty frames I had purchased over the last couple of years but to my disappointment, none of them worked for the pictures I needed to frame.  So now I know, when ordering pictures, make sure they will work with frames I already have.  It was frustrating to have to go out and buy more frames!!
  • For me, it helped to create a "plan" for my pictures.  Specifically, I now have a frame for both kids yearly pictures, a frame for our yearly family picture, a frame for Rachel's yearly school picture (will add one for Cole next year), and a frame that has both of their baby pictures that will obviously stay the same. And a location for all of these frames.  I know for many this is a no brainer and is very simple, and it is.  It just took me a little longer to finally get here.  

I am so thrilled to have this project behind me.  

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